Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Bucket List....It's a Work In Progress

Ok, so ever since I saw this movie The Bucket List I've been wanting to make a list of things I want to do before I die. And then the show The Buried Life came on MTV and I said to myself "That's it Katelin, get it together, we are making a list." So I'm in the process of making's short right now but I vow to complete it before I die and continue adding as I live. SO here is my list...

Wait for it.....

1) Learn to snowboard (my mom will kill me)
2) Learn to motocross: I've been wanting to do it since I was 8 (my mom will shank me)
3) Be able to do that flippy trick on a it called an ally?: It's been a secret desire of mine since I was in middle school (my mom will burn me)
4) Meet Shaun White: I'm just in love with big deal
5) Grant the random wish of 3 different homeless people: Inspired by The Buried Life
6) Wear red shirts and khakis and pretend to work at Target with my friends: I've been wanting to do this when I was in 4th grade... somebody thought I worked at Target because I had a Red Lacoste shirt one
7) Get a tattoo: A meaningful one...not something like a butterfly or a star
8) Go on a road trip with my friends across the country and stop at every state that comes across us on our way to our destination
9) Get a trampoline: I have been wanting one since lie....we have no room in my house to have one....I'm trying to figure out a way to get one though.
10) Have a popular blog: I secretly want like a Julie and Julia story type thing to happen to me
11) Become friends with someone I don't like: Yep, this one will be my hardest
12) Win some sort of academic award at my school: You don't understand until you go there, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win any sort of award at this can work your hardest and they will not give you the stupid thing.....but I've been wanting one since last year to say that I got one.
13) Learn to play the electric guitar: Been wanting to do it since I saw The Runaways
14) Use my self defense skills on someone


  1. lol I love your bucket list because i either have done them or they are on mine which is pretty sweet. my name is kylie i live in new orleans.
    check my blog out


  2. lol, I have a very simple bucket list: Travel the World (:

  3. Ahaha that's pretty sick Kylie and yea I checked it out and I'm following you now!

    And Abir I think that's an amazing list.
