So this piece was my final project from first semester. We were supposed to reference three different artists and then make the piece our own. So the girl in the middle is me and each tattoo has a special meaning. The dragon represents my personality and how vivacious and passionate I am. The claw represents the things that bother me and that "hold on" to me. "Write Love" is in dedication to my favorite organization, "To Write Love on Her Arms," which is an organization that educates and combats the issues of suicide and self-mutilation. "Lie to Me" just represents how people can lie to you all the time and we won't even know it. The web with "Forget it" means how life is so intricate and everything intertwines with each other and how sometimes we just need to forget it all. "Christ Saved my Soul" literally should be taken as written. I dunno where I would be without my religion and faith. The figures around "me" are supposed to be the "bad parts of me" that I'm letting go of. This piece is by far my favorite piece to date and is my most personal.